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Resyflex 151
One Part Polyurethane Sealant / 豬腸膠
Resyflex 151 is a construction sealant, one component, low modulus, elastomeric, moisture curing polyurethane joint sealant with excellent resistance to water, ultra violet and high movement joints resistant to ageing and damage by acids and alkalis. Resyflex 151 is colour stable, durable, and forms a waterproof and weatherproof application on a wide variety of materials.
Specification Compliance
BS 4254 and BS 5215
BS 5889 Type A
ISO 11600: F25LM
ASTM C 920
DIN 18540:2006-12
CE: EN 15651-1:2012, Type F EXT-INT CC
EN15651-4:2012 Type PW EXT-INT CC